Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Week 3: Working on first comps

Today was the first day of week3. We began class with 'show & tell'. I brought in a book called "30 Essential Typeface for a Lifetime" that was put out by Rockport. This book has helped me decide on what typeface/family I will be using for individual projects for quite sometime now. As a designer, I find it very important that keep myself influenced by buying books and looking at the world around me, because if your not influenced your work WILL suffer.

Mr. Julien had us just start working on our comps for the rest of class. During the weekend I choice Frutiger as my typeface for this project because it's clean and according to my book is an "all-purpose font for print media. Since I didn't have any real copy or images over the weekend I just designed a spread just to see how the typeface would look with images and in different styles and sizes:

From today until next class I'm just going to be working on my table of contents and four page spread to show Joyce next week for when she comes in.

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